UPDATE: Hey folks. Full-band, telecaster rock-and-roll trio show at the OPOLIS in Norman this Friday, opening up for the Pennsylvania folk-rock band, the Districts. Check their music out on youtube, their song Funeral Beds is pretty sweet.
Winter was a wild cycle of work and weather conditions that didn't always play nice together, but we made it. It's been a gradual warmth leaning towards the spring months. Lots has been going on, so let me fill you in while I piece the fragments together:
SXSW never fails to be an absolute whirlwind of bands and food trucks for me. 6th street becomes inundated with hip folks and street performers alike while (nearly) every club had something to offer for your ear. I traveled down to Austin playing Wurlitzer and guitar for the Damn Quails again and each show went super, especially our show at the Saxon Pub. Their new line-up has stepped up and made the band even more accessible and enjoyable across genres (still rock and roll as ever, though!) All and all, the tour was excellent. Thanks to everyone who came out and yelled with us.
Although, while I was experiencing the heightened senses and super-stimulation, there was a terrible accident and many people were hurt down on 10th and Red River because of a drunk driver, a stolen car, and a disregard for safety and life. My heart goes out to anyone who was affected and I hope those taken find peace.
On the lighter note, I heard some wonderful singer-songwriters down south, including Chris Porter and Bonnie Whitmore. Having some drinks with my friend John, I walked into the Big Bang (a pub located right in the eye of storm of 6th) and had a chance to hear these folks. Chris sings a hell of a song and Bonnie plays a mean bass guitar. Check them out if you get a chance. Will Johnson of Centromatic produced Chris' new record, and hot damn, it's a winner.
Thank you to Fowler Volkswagon and the national team for using "What Do You Think" on their new commercial, featuring puppet work by Shanna Paddock and design by David Bizarro! The commercial premiered during last week's The Walking Dead on AMC. It's adorable and fun and I was glad the creative team decided to use one of my songs. Stay tuned for it, it's still running!
Samantha Crain and I performed at Sheri's Living Room for a full audience in special house concert recently and it went exceptionally well. The crowd was attentive, the room was special in many ways, and we had Doug Schwarz taking photography. Here is a capture from the evening!
The days grow closer to departure day to record my first full-length record at Tiny Telephones in San Francisco. With mad-scientist Jacob Winik engineering at the helm and Oklahoma powerhouse John Moreland producing, these songs will be able to breathe in brand new ways I can't even imagine. I am excited as can be and without many more words.
Tour dates will be posted soon.
Thanks for all the good will and your attention span to read this.
regards (or more appropriately, cheers,)
john calvin